Sept 24, 2017 Sermon by Rev. Mark Mong The Corner Cupboard
Sept 17, 2017 Sermon by Rev. Mark Mong Gypsies in the Palace
Sept 10, 2017 – By Rev. Mark Mong
The first of the improvements that the congregation determined were the most important are complete.
The Community Outreach Luncheons are the weeks of August 7-11 and August 14-18. The luncheons start at 11:30. Everyone is welcome
Great things are happening at Trinity.
This year’s rummage sale was a big success. Kathy Depp, the sale coordinator, reports that we made over $1550. Thank you to the many people that contributed items for the […]
This year’s Pentecost Celebration was over the top! Trinity Pentecost Celebration from Craig Reiter on Vimeo.
Short Slideshow of this year’s Thanksgiving Dinner, sponsored by the Trinity Men. Trinity Mens Dinner from Craig Reiter on Vimeo. November 20, 2016
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